Acoustic wave
Relationship between dynamic and static properties of anisotropic fractured porous media by acoustic wave propagation [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 27-47]
Anisotropic fractured porous media
Relationship between dynamic and static properties of anisotropic fractured porous media by acoustic wave propagation [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 27-47]
Azo dye
Optical properties of disperse-red-2- azo dye doped nematic liquid crystal and the effect of initial alignment on them [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 49-59]
Ca/Ag cathode
Fabrication and optimization of transparent cathode for application in transparent oleds [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 97-107]
Carbon Nano-composite
Design A Wideband Electromagnetic Absorber Using Carbon Nano-composite [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 53-63]
Investigation of Electronic and Band Structures of CdBr2 by DFTP Method [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 41-51]
Complex network
Investigation of contagious disease on the network [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 17-25]
Copper(II) phthalocyanine
Hole injection improvement in organic light emitting diodes: PEDOT:PSS VS CuPc [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 65-77]
Dynamic properties
Relationship between dynamic and static properties of anisotropic fractured porous media by acoustic wave propagation [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 27-47]
Electromagnetic absorber
Design A Wideband Electromagnetic Absorber Using Carbon Nano-composite [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 53-63]
Epidemic of disease
Investigation of contagious disease on the network [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 17-25]
Simulation and Study of Source temperature effect in gold thin films growth prepared via evaporation method using COMSOL Multiphysics [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 5-26]
Calculation of the structure properties of the cubic phase of using Full Potential Linearized Augmented Plane wave (FP-LAPW) method. [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 73-87]
Gaussian potential
Comparison of energy levels of o19 and o21 with using shell model [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 89-96]
Hole transport layer
Hole injection improvement in organic light emitting diodes: PEDOT:PSS VS CuPc [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 65-77]
Homogeneous alignment
Optical properties of disperse-red-2- azo dye doped nematic liquid crystal and the effect of initial alignment on them [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 49-59]
Homotropics alignment
Optical properties of disperse-red-2- azo dye doped nematic liquid crystal and the effect of initial alignment on them [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 49-59]
Nematic liquid crystal
Optical properties of disperse-red-2- azo dye doped nematic liquid crystal and the effect of initial alignment on them [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 49-59]
Organic light emitting diode
Hole injection improvement in organic light emitting diodes: PEDOT:PSS VS CuPc [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 65-77]
Perturbation density functional theory
Investigation of Electronic and Band Structures of CdBr2 by DFTP Method [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 41-51]
Plasma technology for manufacturing engineering [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 27-39]
Investigation of Electronic and Band Structures of CdBr2 by DFTP Method [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 41-51]
Quantum Espresso
Investigation of Electronic and Band Structures of CdBr2 by DFTP Method [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 41-51]
Simulation and Study of Source temperature effect in gold thin films growth prepared via evaporation method using COMSOL Multiphysics [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 5-26]
Spread of the disease
Investigation of contagious disease on the network [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 17-25]
Static properties
Relationship between dynamic and static properties of anisotropic fractured porous media by acoustic wave propagation [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 27-47]
Thin film
Simulation and Study of Source temperature effect in gold thin films growth prepared via evaporation method using COMSOL Multiphysics [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 5-26]
Transparent cathode
Fabrication and optimization of transparent cathode for application in transparent oleds [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 97-107]
ZnS capping layer
Fabrication and optimization of transparent cathode for application in transparent oleds [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 97-107]
Z-scan techniques
Optical properties of disperse-red-2- azo dye doped nematic liquid crystal and the effect of initial alignment on them [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 49-59]
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