Synthesis and study of electrical properties NiO/PVC nanohybride composites as a gate dielectric for OFET transistor



In this paper the NiO/PVC nanohybride composites with different concentration of organic matter have been synthesized with sol-gel method in the 80°C. Nanocrystallites phases, crystallinity and electrical properties were characterized with using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transfer infrared radiation (FTIR) and Atomic force microscopy (AFM) techniques. Electrical property characterization was also performed with prepared a wafer of NiO/PVC nanopowder and calculated the dielectric constant by application of GPS 132 A. The obtained3results indicated that the NiO/PVC sample with weight rate 1:250 has higher dielectric constant, better morphology, less roughness surface, less leakage current, and can be used as a good gate dielectric for the future of OFET (Organic Field Effect Transistor) devices.


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