Structural and Morphological Analysis of Hollow Nano Fiber TiO2



In this paper, cotton template has been used for fabrication of TiO2 hollow fibers. At first, a suspension of TiO2 powder, ethanol, DI water and urea have been made then some pieces of cotton are soaked wet in this suspension and be dried in furnace. At final stage by calcination at higher temperatures, cotton has is burned and TiO2 hollow nanostructure is made. Morphology of fabricated hollow fibers are analysed by parameters such as; calcination temperature, drying temperature, and wetting time. Our results showed that samples which DUH IDEULFDWHG DW  FDOFLQDWLRQ WHPSHUDWXUH  GU\LQJ temperature and wetting time of 48 h have regular cylindrical structures and hollow nanofibers with about 200 nm diameter and 40 nm wall thickness.


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