Study of self-cleaning properties of buildingceramics coated by TiO2 nanostructuresunder visible and UV illumination



  In this the research nanostructured titanium dioxide thin films with different thicknesses have been deposited on ceramic and tiles by spray pyrolysis method. The growth mechanism, thickness and morphology of Nanostructures and also their crystal structure have been investigated by SEM images and by X-Ray diffraction pattern. Self-cleaning properties of nanostructured TiO2 have been examined through three experiments: 1) Decomposition and self-cleaning quality of cooking liquid oil’s smoke coated on TiO2 layer under visible light illumination. 2) Study of molecules decomposition process of thin layer from Methylene Blue with a concentration of 10mg/lit under sun light illumination by light reflection from surface at different wavelengths and times. 3) Hydrophilic properties of TiO2 thin film are measured by angle variation of the water drop contact under UV light illumination in different times. The results showed that smoky layer with contamination materials on ceramic surface coated by TiO2 nanostructure can be cleaned under moonlight illumination and ordinary conditions.


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