Relationship between dynamic and static properties of anisotropic fractured porous media by acoustic wave propagation

Document Type : Research Paper



Acoustic wave’s applications in material structure science studies are very important. Therefore investigation of acoustic wave quality and analyzing of wave propagation and discovering of its relation with martial features has been in great interest for many scientists. Investigation of dynamic properties of porous media and studying of its relationship with static properties has very practical benefits for nondestructive methods in material science. At first the fractures are generated in two dimensional porous medium as a defect’s structures, then propagation of the acoustic waves is studied in simulated samples. We use explicit finite difference (FD) method to solve problem numerically. The results suggest some relationships between wave's dynamic properties and the effects of size and geometry of fractures or defects. The relationships of all the quantities of interest depend on the fractures direction or anisotropic effects. We also study the anisotropic effects on some practical dynamical properties of acoustic wave front. The results suggest some relations between them. The results of this simulation compare with some results that is obtained from different practical and simulation methods.


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