Third-order harmonic generation in P‎propagation of cylindrical ‎waves ‎in‎‎ ‎‎‎inhomogeneous nonlinear ‎media

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Lorestan uinversity

2 PhD student


Propagation of electromagnetic waves in the nonlinear homogeneous and nonhomogeneous cylindrical media to generate of third order harmonics is investigated by using numerical solving of the coupled wave equations.‎‎
Calculation show, that the characteristic length of the interaction in homogenous media is very shorter than one in inhomogeneous media. ‎‎ The reason for this behavior is that for inhomogeneous media ‎$ ‎Delta ‎k‎ $‎ is very small and the output wave can get out of phase with its driving polarization at very big length of the interaction (‎$ ‎r‎ $‎). Therefore, as ‎$ ‎Delta ‎k‎ $‎ increases the length of the interaction and the maximum intensity of the generated wave ‎decrease.‎‎ Numerical calculations show that ‎in homogeneous nonlinear optical ‎media phase matching ‎condition‎ is not satisfied, and the generated ‎wave ‎amplitude‎ is smaller than ‎‎‎inhomogeneous nonlinear optical ‎media. The effect of ‎third ‎order‎ nonlinear optical ‎susceptibility‎ ‎on the generated wave ‎amplitude‎ ‎in inhomogeneous ‎media has been ‎investigated.‎


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