Simulation and Study of Source temperature effect in gold thin films growth prepared via evaporation method using COMSOL Multiphysics

Document Type : Research Paper


1 semnan

2 Semnan


In the present work, gold thin films growth process using the evaporation method has been simulated. For this purpose, the COMSOL Multiphysics 5.0 simulator software was used. Three-dimensional models were constructed and geometry, mesh analysis, boundary conditions and related relations were defined and studied. Film thickness, density, heat flux and other related parameter to deposition were investigated. Using planar regression, surface equation of the gold thin films was calculated and the effect of the temperature of gold source on thickness of films was investigated. Results showed that there is a correlation between the temperature of source and the thickness of gold films. Using non-linear regression, a model was represented in order to describe the dependency of film thickness on source temperature. Comparing the simulation results in this paper for thickness and curvature of gold thin films with expected behavior distribution on substrate, a promising accommodation between the simulated data and this trend was observed.


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