Bubble Dynamics and its formation in the DNA double helix

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of physics, Urmia University of Technology


The local opening of DNA is an intriguing phenomenon from a statistical physics point of view. The denaturation of the double helix is a template for fundamental biological functions such as replication and transcription in evolving the formation of local fluctuational openings. Mesoscopic models, like the PB model and PBD model, have fairly accurately reproduced some experimental denaturation curves and the sharp phase transition in the thermodynamic limit. Here, using the fraction of open base-pairs and fraction of open molecules in the double-stranded state, we have compared the possibility of bubble formation in models. Also, it can be concluded that the Renyi dimension (Dq) is the characteristic signature of pre-melting and thermal denaturation of DNA. Renyi dimension has been used for verification and prediction the results which has determined the critical point of system. Finally, it was clear that the PBD model explain clearly the process of creating of bubble in DNA and its dynamics.


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