Quantum Phase Transition of Kitaev Model on Kagome Lattice in Presence of Ising Perturbation

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of solid state physics, Science Faculty, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

2 Department of Solid state physics,Science faculty, Yazd University,Yazd,Iran


We have studied the effect of Ising perturbation in Kitaev model on a Kagome lattice, to find its phase transition from topological phase to symmetry breaking phase. Kitaev model on a Kagome lattice is a quantum spin model with topological order and the importance of studying topological ordered systems has been proved in making quantum memories. In order to find the robustness of the Kagome lattice against external perturbations, we put Kagome lattice spin system on a torus and then, apply an external Ising  as perturbation and look for phase transitions in the system. In order to solve the problem, we used a high series expansion method based on continuous unitary transformations. Our results show that in presence of Ising  perturbation, the original model of Kagome lattice is mapped on Ising transverse field on a triangular lattice and a second order phase transition from topologic to  symmetry-broken phase is occurred.


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