Research Paper: Difference in Behavior of Multiphoton Resonances for Odd and Even Multiples of the Strong Driving Fields Photon Energy in Five-level Quantum Systems

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Teacher of Mamasani Education Department, Ministry of Education of Fars, Fars, Iran; PhD Student, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Yasouj University, Yasouj,

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Yasouj University, Yasouj, Iran


In this research, level structure of two-electron double quantum dots in terms of energy levels crossings a five-level system is modeled. This work is done for explaining reasons of happening multiphoton resonances and their different behavior for the odd and evenmultiples of photon energynear interdot charge transitions that shows the current detuning dependence on this asymmetry. First, interference phase and transition rates up to fourth order for zero and arbitrary detunings were calculated making use of non-adiabatic and strong-field approximations. Second, by numerical simulation and its analysis, the steady-state current is calculated in spin-blockaded situation that it perfectly agrees with the measured current in experiments done on InAs and GaAs double quantum dots. At last, it was shown that the obtained results in this model contain all main features of the experimental data and this behavioral difference of resonances for the frequency integer multiples is specific to multilevel systems in the presence of the large-amplitude applied fields. This study is closely related to the nano and micro scales, solid state and atomic or molecular systems.


Main Subjects

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