Research Paper: Synthesis and Investigation of Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Ag/Hf3NiOy Nanocomposites

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran


In this research, the electric, magnetic and structural behaviors of the Ag/Hf3NiOy nanostructures fabricated using the co-precipitation technique were studied. Since, the fabrication of ordered metallic structure arrays is habitually complex, the mass production of these structures is being prevented. In recent years, researchers have begun to explore materials with inherent DNG property. Metamaterials allow both field components of light to couple to meta-atoms and thus they enable entirely new optical properties and exciting applications.  Ag/Hf3NiOy disordered percolative composites contain conductive nanoparticles. When the concentration of metal nanoparticles in semi-continuous composites is less than the percolation threshold, the real part of the dielectric constant is positive. Also, the permeability constants can be controlled by silver content, meaning that this parameter is adjustable. Interestingly, decreased permeability was observed in samples with higher silver content. When the silver content exceeded the percolation threshold, silver networks were formed due to the interconnection of silver nanoparticles. The effective magnetic properties were due to the magnetic resonance and eddy current of the samples with an external magnetic field. The plasma oscillations of conduction electrons in the samples at a metallic state led to the negative permittivity.


Main Subjects

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