Electromagnetic Plasma Waves in a Non-uniform Quantum Electron-Ion and Electron-Positron-Ion Magnetoplasmas in the Presence of a Short Pulse Laser

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student, Physics Department, Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Physics Department, Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran


Electromagnetic plasma waves related to nonuniform electron-ion and electron-positron-ion plasma in interaction with short pulse laser in the quantum state have been investigated. These investigations have been done in low-frequency approximation. In these two plasmas, the initial quantities of number density, streaming velocity, and external magnetic field are inhomogeneous. The investigations have shown that in the perpendicular direction, the amount of these initial quantities affects the wave velocities, their instability rate, and their gradients affect the waves, strongly. The behavior of the perpendicular waves has been analyzed for variation in these initial quantities and the investigations show that these behaviors are different in these two plasmas. In the parallel direction, the factor that most affects the waves is the ponderomotive force related to the laser, so an increase in this force cause to increase in the wave velocities and their instability rate. The dependence of the parallel waves on the initial quantities of the number density and streaming velocity is direct, and their reliance on the external magnetic field is through the ponderomotive force (presence of laser). The waves in this direction are not affected by the transverse gradients of the initial quantities. The plasma waves in both plasmas have also been affected by the quantum correction terms. It has been demonstrated that our resulting equations are in accordance with the references mentioned in the article.


Main Subjects

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