Researach Paper: Investigation of Electronic and Transport Properties of Armchair and Zigzag β_12 Borophene Nanoribbon

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M. Sc. Student, Department of Physics, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Physics, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran


The electronic and transport properties of the zigzag and armchair borophene nanoribbons β12 with different edge geometries using the multi-band tight-binding model and Landauer Butticker formalism were investigated by the mode matching model. Our results show that nanoribbons with different edge geometries show different electronic behaviors from metal phase to semiconductor according to and under thermal gradient or voltage poetical produce electrical current from nano ampere to microampere (most of them have ohmic behavior). Also, vacancy defects with controlling energy gaps could change the phase from metal to semiconductor or from semiconductor to metal in different edge geometries. Moreover, vacancy defects could control the values of electrical currents. Finally, the edge geometries; and defect engineering with application thermal gradient or electrostatic potential could control the electronic and transport properties and convert borophene nanoribbons into a good candidate for application in nano-electronic devices.


Main Subjects

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