Research Paper: Numerical Study of Electromagnetic Transitions in Proton Radiative Capture by 10B

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Arak University, Arak, Iran

2 M. Sc. Graduated, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Arak University, Arak, Iran


Analyzing the electromagnetic transition strengths is one of the methods of studying the development of atomic nuclei the big-bang, and the fuel cycle of stars in nuclear astrophysics, nuclear synthesis and radiative capture. The study of nuclei with mass number A=11, for example, 11B and 11C, is significant which can be produced by radiative capture of protons by 10B the dependence of the reduced transition probability related to electric quadrupole B[E2] and magnetic dipole B[M1] that occurs in proton radiative capture by 10B nucleus has been investigated. It depends on the excitation energy and spin-parity of the states for the occurrence of  E2 and M1 transitions. The theoretical framework of the calculations based On the Woods-Saxon potential model and double folding M3Y has been used to create the ground and excited states of 11C . The results obtained based on each of the mentioned potential models are in good agreement. It was found that B(E2) increases with the increase of excited energy regardless of the spin of excited states. At the same time, B(M1) is very sensitive to the spin of excited states, and also(3/2)-excited states are independent of the energy.


Main Subjects

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