Research Paper: Solar Corona Flares and Its Effect on the Earth’s Atmosphere

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Physics Department, Payame Noor University (PNU), Tehran, Iran

3 M. Sc. Student, Physics Department, Payame Noor University (PNU), Tehran, Iran.


Solar winds result from the eruption of plasma streams from the solar corona. This plasma, which consists of proton particles, electrons, X-rays, and radio waves, penetrates the heliosphere and accelerates from the interplanetary space toward the Earth with high kinetic energy and thermal energy. In addition, if it collides with the Earth's atmosphere, it disrupts human life. But despite the Earth's magnetic field and the magnetic reconnection process in this area, the Earth's magnetosphere acts like a shield and prevents these substances from affecting the Earth. To obtain the necessary information to investigate all kinds of phenomena that happen around the Sun, the use of satellite data is the best and most reliable method in terms of accuracy and up-to-date data. The data from the Goes meteorological satellite, LASCO spacecraft, and the Solar Dynamic Observatory are the information that we use in this article to advance our goals. To check the correlation between solar eruptions and changes in the Earth's magnetosphere layer, we use the wavelet analysis method with Morlet's fundamental wave, which is an important tool for processing fluctuations. The results of accurate numerical calculations of this research showed that there is a strong correlation between the magnetic activities of the Sun and the characteristic indices of the Earth's magnetosphere layer, which can affect the Earth's atmosphere as well.


Main Subjects

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