Research Paper: Reflection of Ultra-Short Light Pulses in Multilayer Dielectric Structures and Micro-resonators by FDTD Method

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Aras Branch, Islamic Azad University, Jolfa, Iran.


In the last two decades, photonic crystals and structures that are based on them (photonic structures) have been examined and have been widely utilized in various optical applications. In this article, a theoretical and numerical model for the propagation of electromagnetic waves in multilayer dielectric structures is developed. The propagation of ultra-short light pulses in multilayer media and microresonators is investigated, and the energy reflection and transmission coefficients depending on the parameters of the environment and duration of the optical pulse are calculated. A method for calculating the transmission and reflection spectra of one-dimensional photonic crystal based on FDTD modeling with the emission of ultra-short optical pulses is proposed. To calculate the transmission and reflection spectrum of a one-dimensional photonic crystal and to simulate the propagation of ultra-short light pulses, in multilayer dielectric structures and microresonators, based on the numerical solution of Maxwell's equations with the finite difference approximation in the space-time domain, is performed.


Main Subjects

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