Research Paper: High Fidelity Noiseless Linear Amplifier Based on Three-Photon Quantum Scissor

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student, Department of Physics, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran

3 Department of Physics, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran


 In this article, we suggested a three-photon quantum scissor that truncates all multiphoton number states with four or more photons and amplifies the remaining photon number states in a probabilistic way. To this end, by assuming the ideality of all beam splitters and detectors of the proposed scheme, the output state of this quantum scissor and its success probability have been derived analytically. In contrast to the one-photon or two-photon quantum scissor, this setup works perfectly for superpositions of up to three photons. For the input coherent state, our results show that the fidelity between ideal amplification and the amplification obtained by this suggested three-photon quantum scissor is as good as that obtained with a network of six one-photon or two two-photon amplifiers. Moreover, the success probability of this generalized quantum scissor is larger than the success probability of six one-photon amplifiers and is comparable to the success probability of two two-photon amplifiers. Therefore, based on the fact that the resources required by the three-photon amplifier are smaller than those required for a network of one-photon or two-photon amplifiers, this proposed device is much more efficient than several one-photon or two two-photon amplifiers.


Main Subjects

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