Extraordinary Response of Graphene Layered Structures to Incident Light

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Sarab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sarab, Iran


Multilayered graphene structures have emerged as promising materials for designing novel optical devices due to their unique light-matter interactions. One of the intriguing phenomena observed in these structures is plasmonic resonance, which occurs in specific configurations known as Kretschmann and Otto geometries. In this paper, we investigate the behavior of a multilayered structure consisting of bilayer graphene under incident light using reflection coefficient calculations and wave dispersion equation solutions. Our results demonstrate that the number of plasmonic resonance positions in the reflection coefficient can vary depending on the structural parameters. This is attributed to the positioning of the dispersion curves of the hybrid modes in relation to the light line of the prism. For certain structural values, the dispersion curves may not be in the leaky range and do not cause a change in the reflection. This phenomenon opens up exciting possibilities for highly tunable optical device design. The findings of this study are not only relevant to the investigated configurations but also extend to the design of other optical devices such as waveguides, antennas, and multiplexers that utilize multilayered structures. Our results provide valuable insights for device designers, enabling them to precisely engineer multilayered structures by considering the importance and desirability of confined or leaky surface plasmon modes.


Main Subjects

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