Review Paper: Application of Plasma Technology in the Protection of Antiquities and Architectural Surfaces

Document Type : Review Paper


Master Student of Plasma Technology , Laser and Plasma Research Institute , Shahid Beheshti Univercity , Tehran , IRAN


In today’s world, the nations perceive the valuable position the archeological and historical monuments have in the culture and civilization of their nations. In order to know a historical monument, its raw materials must first be characterized. By identifying the raw materials, suitable protection and restoration methods can be suggested for that monument. With increasing the awareness of the destructive effects of the use of chemical and toxic substances on the objects, the environment and users, the replacement or minimum use of these harmful materials in the treatment and protection of valuable and rare objects is a priority. Cold plasma due to its features such as low temperature and high energy, in addition to a wide range of applications in various fields, since 1979, has attracted the attention of specialists in conservation and restoration of cultural and historical objects.


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